StoryCrafting -- the Power of a New Story

Storytelling is magic.

If you want to change the world, there is one thing you’re going to need first: a great story.

In order to lead people on a journey of transformation, they need to know where they’re going. They need to be able to share your vision of a better world.

That’s where StoryCrafting comes in. StoryCrafting is the art of telling a better story – a story which inspires others to join you in the work of change.

Take a look below at the power of the right story.

My Story, Our Story, Right Now!


What exactly makes for a great change story?

Change comes when we can find ourselves in the story, when we begin to understand our place within a community of changemakers, and when we understand the urgency of the need for change.

What does that mean? Well, take a look at this talk by Marc Ferriere – “Stories Change the World.”

Telling Your Story

As the storytelling animal, over the centuries we humans have developed an incredible array of storytelling mediums. From writing to standup comedy, from film to puppetry and videogaming…the world is full of amazing ways you can get your story out there.   As a ChangeCrafter, you will want to know which ones you are best at — and consider creating partnerships with people who can help you with others.

The World Needs Great Stories

       “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” -- Albert Einstein

Inside everyone you want to reach is an epic hero – the extraordinary ordinary person who can help change the world. To reach them, tell them the story that will touch their heart and help them find their place in the arc of history. Watch The World Needs Better Stories to learn more, and take a look at A Message From the Future II: the Years of Repair from the Intercept for an amazing example of the kind of storytelling that bravely tells a new story & casts a vision of a better future.